Richard H. Cracroft

On Being “Anxiously Engaged in a Good [Book]”
Common and spiritual sense shout to us that thoughtful and discriminating reading can not be ignored.

Tracing the Great Plan of Happiness
Latter-day Saints’ distinctive worldview finds its way into most everything they write.

LDS Readers Take Their Reading Very Serially
There is no doubt about it—we live in the golden age of the Latter-day Saint serial novel.
Dr. Cracroft prescribes several “gotta-read” books for your enjoyment.
Recent biographies can inspire readers with glimpses of exemplary lives.
Inspiring stories from athletes and others seeking spiritual glory.
Enjoy works about Eliza R. Snow, Thomas L. Kane, and cultural reinvention.
Insights into Joseph Smith, his “Beloved Emma,” and inspiring sermons from Elder Packer and Elder Holland.
Educated perspectives shed light on the significant people and events of yesteryear.
Learning from the lives of Henry Eyring, Willard and Rebecca Bean, Kim B. Clark, and J. Golden Kimball.
Grads capture a nation of young readers; other authors share stories of growing up Mormon.
Diaries, history, poetry, and fiction can all give insight into people and times gone by.
Reissued in hardback, Card’s excellent Saints is little known among Latter-day Saint readers.
Recent Latter-day Saint histories show that hard work prefigures the glory.
Biographies allow us to follow the journeys of great men and women.
Writers of LDS historical fiction show that a spoonful of fiction helps the history go down.
New biographies acquaint another generation with the Prophet Joseph Smith.
These alumni have written books on topics that can help you in your life.
A new biography measures the mighty steps taken by a latter-day prophet.
With a variety of histories, novels, and picture books, alumni titles just keep coming.
Recent titles offer insights into management, Church history, and doctrine.
Recent LDS fiction and nonfiction are records of "human conduct under fire."
BYU’s recording label, has produced some 40 music CDs featuring BYU performing groups and faculty members.
Glimpses at Latter-Day Saint lives will fill up your summer reading.
Book of Mormon scholars and a latter-day Apostle provide enlightenment for the LDS reader.
Books by BYU alumni abound in the national and Latter-day Saints markets.
Books by BYU alumni abound in the national and Latter-day Saint markets.
LDS authors continue to build on the foundation of Mormon literary classics.
I've always liked the maxim attributed to St. Francis of Assisi "Preach the gospel. And if necessary, use words."
READING is usually a solitary pleasure, but that pleasure is multiplied when we talk about books with friends.
Art and literature and science, secondary to life, enable mortals to understand life better and to live more fully.
Recent literary and cinematic additions portray and perform missionary work.
Because the books we read become part and parcel of our souls, they should be selected with some attention.
You’ll find something somewhere in this issue’s picks to support you in your bibliomania.
We are all the richer for these new old friends.
For us plodding disciples of Christ, reading these books can help us to have greater understanding in life.
Before the miracle of the Atonement, everything else pales into relative insignificance. These books explain why.
Reading these books may very well be best thing for your life.
There is much to be gained from studying the lives of Latter-day Saints who have fought the fight and stayed true.
Our cup runneth over– with good books!
"To see clearly is poetry, prophecy, and religion, all in one"
Even more than most mortals, Latter-day Saints depend on stories to give meaning to their existence.
“The very shape of” popular Mormon fiction in the past decade has frequently found expression in the form of series.
Sample these recent books by an impressive array of BYU alumni.
Learn of the good that can come out of novels written by Latter-Day Saints.
The strong voices of faithful people inspire us to do and be better.
The best and most enduring gift I can receive at Christmastime–or any time, for that matter–is a good Book.
I direct your attention to a few of the many recently published books which recount aspects of the early pioneers.
May we all run across a book which bursts upon our souls with refreshing insight and revelation.
Accompany me through a selection of recent books written by or about BYU alumni, all suitable for Christmas list.
Latter-day Saints soon learn why we are called “the people of the book.”
At the very moment the event happens, we begin to customize and individualize “reality”
Join me on a quick-paced, mind-swinging jog-walk through a selection of recent books written by alumni of BYU.