Michael R. Walker

Everyday Heaven: The Artwork of Brian Kershisnik
The artwork of Brian Kershisnik brings heaven to earth and elevates the mundane with meaning.

World Views
In their studies abroad BYU students are packing home new perspectives and lifelong memories.

Welcome to Provo
Kevin Young, former Phoenix Suns assistant coach, joins BYU as the new head basketball coach.

Making Strides
With innovative production processes, BYU students have given Ecuadorian amputees a new leg to stand on.
BYU has finally found its place—decades in the making—in big-time collegiate athletics.
When her toddler son received a devastating diagnosis, a mother threw herself into the fight to find a cure.
Cooking family recipes evokes memories of generations of home cooks who prepared meals for those they love.
For 50 years the BYU community has both filled the Marriott Center and been filled with indelible memories.
In an upturned year for sports with COVID-19 looming, BYU sports still made national headlines.
There are dozens of contenders for greatest Cougar athlete of all time. Can you pick just one?
How campus went quiet, yet BYU continued on, during the coronavirus pandemic.
While the effects of COVID-19 on campus may feel unprecedented, canceling classes has happened before at BYU.
A combination of naivete and grit outpaced raw talent as BYU’s XC team ran to a first-place finish at nationals.
BYU advertising students are creating iconic campaigns and landing at the world’s most-respected agencies.
These tasty molasses spice cookies hearken back to Revolution-era America and are as big as your hand.
For this NFL coach’s assistant, losing an arm has been a challenge—but never an excuse.
A Rolex-obsessed rap duo sought out Cosmo and the Cougarettes for a halftime collaboration.
Some 4,000 tech companies have made a home on Utah’s Silicon Slopes, thanks in no small part to BYU.
A PhD student's research took her to Antarctica. . . to study Antarctic nematode worms.
President Worthen has a new priority: inspiring learning. See student examples of what he means.
The Hawaiian-born shaka hand symbol seen around the world hearkens back to an LDS fisherman. Now the symbol reps the Y.
In the heart of Ute country, an unexpected fan reps the Y every day.
Former players and lifelong fans, BYU’s new coaches embrace Cougar football’s next chapter.
A revolutionary course explores the intellectual intersections of two disciplines.
Hank Gathers held the WCC record for career points for 26 years—until a 5'10" BYU guard with a ponytail usurped him.
On a plateau in Jordan, an epic effort is underway to protect a treasured monument.
Game day wouldn’t be game day without the special teams behind the scenes, from the field painters to the stand sweepers
The expanded Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum features a menagerie of new critters.
Honorary alumna Daryl Hoole offers advice for raising respectful, self-reliant children.
For nearly 60 years, BYU’s furry mascot has done whatever his Cougar spirit bids him.
BYU photography professor led a trip to the Orient in hopes of finding scenes that really said "This is in China."
The first in a four-part series capturing the journey of four new students as they enter Brigham Young University.
From season to season and coast to coast, opinions and labels change, but Danny Ainge remains the same.
Two dozen BYU geology students are offered the learning experience of a lifetime as Etna, a volcano, erupts.
The oldest known limber pine in the world was discovered last summer by grad student Bryan P. Tikalsky.
A BYU grad experiences unexpected success as an author after writing a best-selling vampire romance series.
With a twist of some 150 wrists, the 100-year-old Y still shines bright.
For four decades Clayton White has strived to understand peregrine falcons and mentor fledgling scientists.
Most students carry at least one portable gadget—be it laptop, cell phone, PDA, or music player.
Three BYU alumni share their Olympic insights in words and actions with those they mentor and train.
BYU researchers discover how to get twice the umph out of wireless antennas.
30 former Cosmos who had gathered to celebrate the mascot’s 50th birthday.
This group of lunch-hour basketball warriors knows the meaning of teamwork and endurance on and off the court.
Physics, animation, DNA, and grammar--it's all in a day's work for BYU's five supercomputers named Mary Lou.
In reviews of six campus restaurants, the BYU Magazine staff offers tips for sampling BYU’s array of culinary choices.
The Primrose room provides violists worldwide with thousands of scores as well as access to other priceless resources.
A rigorous experience on Monterey Bay takes students deeper into studies of sea life.
After decades of dreaming, a world-class gymnast turns to the luge to fulfill his Olympic dream.
Paul O’Connor did not win an Olympic medal but his participation in the Games inspired spectators and competitors alike.
With W. Steve Albrecht, ’71, associate dean of the Marriott School of Management, no statement is left unsupported.