Andrea Ludlow Christensen

Lean Back Into the Future
In the biggest revolution in transit since the Model T, BYU experts are working to make backseat drivers of us all.

I Can Help
An Idaho farm boy, who speaks Arabic and worked with refugees on his mission, was in the right place at the right time.

By Study, by Faith, and by Experience
President Worthen has a new priority: inspiring learning. See student examples of what he means.

From Death and Despair to More Life
In Descent from the Cross, Brian Kershisnik wanted to “paint the darkest point.”
Run by BYU student volunteers, Camp Kesem is a summer camp for children whose parents have suffered from cancer.
BYU Magazine asks members of the community if cheap gas helps or hurts the economy.
The Rex Lee Run was different—in the best of ways—this year for Sarah Kay Brimhall Miller.
Dirt under her fingernails, stars in her eyes, planetary geologist Jani Radebaugh uses Earth’s edges to understand Io.
This BYUtv docudrama tells a captivating story of an influential teenage girl.
When her professor passed away, a TA refused to let the course fail.
Every Tuesday at BYU, more than 200 clubs gather to celebrate a gamut of interests, from hip-hop to vegetarianism.
Motivated by his own tumultuous childhood, a new law grad plans to advocate for those in need.
BYU researchers explain how a helping of hard, fun, and awesome can strengthen your kids and nourish your family.
While working in a Romanian hospital, BYU interns see a need and change a life.
A BYU piano student finds the keys to success in hard work and balancing life's demands.
The George H. Brimhall Building, which has recently undergone a number of upgrades.
At Camp WILD a team of students and professors helped at-risk boys discover their potential through challenging outdoor
Utah's first female governor has won supporters with her charm and has moved mountains with her abundant energy.
An alumna entrepreneur uses her pearl jewelry business to provide help for Filipinos in need.
Tom and Louise Plummer enlighten others through their teaching and writing and through their relationship.
Professor Catherine Coverston and nursing students to volunteer in understaffed, undersupplied, international hospitals.
A teacher from Taiwan learns some of the challenges and rewards of working with special-education students.
A new campaign encourages BYU athletes and fans alike to aim for excellence in sportsmanship.
A former Broadway performer now on his way to the Harvard dental school strives to live without limits.
Using his economics training, a BYU professor evaluates the effectiveness of school interventions.
The Twelfth Team is a group of volunteers who’s goal is to increase visibility for BYU’s women athletics.
An awkward teenager from Preston, Idaho, is making a splash in the film world.
BYU student Liz Carlston shares the lessons of healing that followed the tragic shootings five years ago in Littleton.
MBA candidate John Higginson faces life's challenges with a focused but cheerful determination.