E. Liza Richards

A Steady Diet of Images
Media researcher Steve Thomsen is seeking to understand how popular magazines may contribute to teen eating disorders.

Transcending Barriers to Caring
Nursing Professor Lynn Callister shows perinatal nurses how to connect with their patients – from any culture.

Empire of the Sultans
The Ottomans are not only defined by their ability to conquer but also by how they worshipped.

Hearing A Need
BYU audiologist David McPherson has spent five years studying hearing loss and improving futures in Vietnam.
BYU-Hawaii’s recently launched Iosepa, a double-hulled Hawaiian canoe, will carry students to nearby islands.
At the ripe old age of 19, BYU’s Aleisha Cramer is playing with Team USA’s Mia Hamm and Brandi Chastain.
BYU Travel Study helps BYU alumni and others continue their education in the classroom of the world.
Michaela Mannova led the Cougars to their third national title in five years.
Political science major Lincoln Dewey shares his enthusiasm for mentoring students with disabilities.
Women’s Conference eventually contributed a total of $200,000 to build the two-story brick replica of Lewis Hall.
Bruening, a BYU senior, was one of 13 students nationwide to receive a perfect 180 on the LSAT in June.