Back to School - Y Magazine
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BYU Today

Back to School

By E. Liza Richards,

‘02 WOMEN’S Services and Resources and Student Development recently announced a new class for nontraditional students. “This class is for male and female students who have either been away from college for five years or so or who are over age 26 and are just starting college now,” says Loretta S. Muldoon, ’00, teacher of Student Development 214R, the new course.

Muldoon, a former reentry student herself, says that the course will address the unique needs of reentry students. “When older students come to college, they have more of life’s experience behind them, and they are looking for information they can apply immediately in their lives.”

Consequently, Muldoon has arranged for guest speakers to lecture on practical topics such as financial aid and scholarships, library research, choosing a major, note-taking, test-taking, and Route Y, the campus intranet. The course will also address topics such as balancing roles, critical thinking, and stress management.

“Nontraditional students have very little spare time,” says LaNae Valentine, ’81, coordinator of Women’s Services and Resources. “This course pulls together all the information they need into a single source, and, even better, they also get two credits for taking the class.”

“For me,” says Muldoon, “BYU was a great place to finish my education. Whereas at other schools I might have felt alienated because I was older, at BYU you have that common bond of the gospel, and I think that helps lessen the gap between generations.”