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Y Magazine > Writers > Ryan B. McIlvain

Ryan B. McIlvain


A Documentary About a Doll

In his acclaimed first movie, Greg Whiteley shares the story of a rock star who became a family history librarian.

Students playing instruments


BYU Unplugged

A stroll through the campus music scene provides an earful of BYU’s less formal music.


American Dreams

Artists capture the essence of American identity in a diverse exhibit of historical scenes.

John Bytheway


Higher Humor

These days, Bytheway splits his time between BYU and Deseret Book.

BYU’s Small Fortunes airs on PBS in June
Spring 2006
Whitaker spearheaded a documentary about microcredit and the millions it touches.
Sliding into Silver
Spring 2006
After facing Olympic-sized obstacles, a former BYU athlete steps up to the medal stand.
Happiness, Inc.
Winter 2006
Student entrepreneur Jayson Edwards is making Happy Valley even happier, one dawg at a time.
Runner Finishes in NCAA Top 10
Winter 2006
With his performance at the national meet in November 2005, Rohatinsky earned All-American honors for the 2nd yr a row.