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Y Magazine > Writers > Erica J. Teichert

Erica J. Teichert

Chris Miles


Brotherly Love

Family lessons have taught Chris Miles that his time at BYU is about more than basketball.

Aleks Layne


Getting Off the Ground

BYU's Air Force ROTC two-year 100-percent acceptance rate makes the program top for future pilots.


Education in Zion

A new exhibition at BYU reveals a little-known and remarkable heritage of learning and faith.


Laying Down Tracks

After more than 40 years and some 5,000 singers, BYU’s Women’s Chorus now has a CD of its own.

Museum Mystery
Spring 2009
BYU students, ranging from art history to figure painting to costume design, researched a painting and its artist.
Unlocking Secret Talents
Winter 2009
Computer science graduate finds unexpected success teaching English.