The production light is on at BYU as professors, students, and storytellers record podcasts about research, scriptures, sports, and more. “Podcasting is amazing,” says former sideline reporter, full-time mom, and Cougar Tail Gate host Lauren Francom McClain (BA ’11). “It’s just a convenient way to listen to the best content.” Looking for a great listen? Find your podcast match from among the best shows produced at BYU.
When Adventure Calls
This Peabody-nominated serial podcast, produced by BYUradio, reimagines the classic pirate’s tale as a time-traveling adventure. Written to entertain children and spark nostalgia in adults, each episode, says host Sam Payne, gives “generations an opportunity to connect with each other.”
The Best Medicine
Whether you’re considering a career in healthcare or simply love a good story, consider this award-winning, student-hosted podcast from the College of Nursing that shares field experiences from BYU nursing alumni in roles from school nurses to street medics.
Bleed Blue with the Cougs
This BYUradio podcast is for fans who may not know all the stats but “have a love of sports and want to be entertained,” says host McClain. This show aims to capture the pregame experience so fans can tailgate anywhere.
Scripture Study on the Go
This curated podcast digs through the vast BYU Speeches archive for you—each Monday a past devotional or forum is released to align with your weekly Come, Follow Me study, offering “another window to look at the scriptures,” says producer Charles D. Cranney (BA ’81).
Science—No Degree Required
The goal is to serve up “science in a way that anyone can understand,” says Katy Knight (BS ’00, MS ’02, PhD ’12) of the Bean Life Science Museum. She and environmental-science major Austen M. Lambert (’22) interview BYU life-science professors to unpack the research.
Prepare to Teach
“A unique aspect of our faith is that everybody’s a teacher,” says BYU religion professor Casey P. Grif- fiths (BA ’02, MA ’07, PhD ’12), host of the McKay School of Education podcast. In the show education experts apply their research methods and teaching techniques for any situation—whether that’s in the classroom, home, ward, or workplace.
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