Left to right: LaReta Pearce Brinkerhoff, David K. Jacobs, Gloria Driggs West, and Rhea Rosvall Tiffany were among the members of the class of 1961 who gathered in October to renew friendships.
By Jeffrey G. Mulcock, ’03
IT was a time when the United States launched spacecraft to photograph the lunar surface. John F. Kennedy was voted president. West Side Story was a hit across the country.
It was a time when Beverly White was crowned BYU Homecoming Queen.
And it was a time when the class of 1961 was gaining a college education.
The class of ’61 met to celebrate its 40th anniversary Oct. 18–20, 2001, as part of BYU Homecoming activities. More than 2,000 alumni were invited to participate in the Homecoming Spectacular, dinner program, and football game. Although many could not attend, about 80 guests gathered to see how their friends and school had changed over the years.
As a member of the reunion committee and the 1961 vice president of culture, David K. Jacobs helped organize the events.
“It was a very nice thing to reconnect with people that we knew as kids going to school together,” Jacobs said. “Forty years later, many of them have accomplished great things.”
The reunion committee created a book of remembrance including photos, world events, and school activities from that time. A biographical sheet was sent to each member of the class, asking for addresses, occupations, and a brief history of the major events in their lives since graduation.
“I was most impressed by how each graduate had worked hard and made something of his or her life,” Jacobs said. “They still have so much energy for life and were contributing to the world.”
Guests were also invited to attend the Homecoming Spectacular. Many had participated in the same performance groups showcased in the event.
“We realized the work we did then had made a difference in laying down a foundation for students now,” Jacobs said.
“BYU alumni will miss a great opportunity if they don’t go to their class reunion,” Jacobs said. “I’ll have the memories of that night for the rest of my life.”