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Y Magazine > Writers > Samantha I. Edwards

Samantha I. Edwards

Portrait of Pace Nielsen.


Perfectly Odd

BYU professor Pace Nielsen is on a mission to solve a centuries-old math problem: the odd perfect number.

BYU quarterback stands behind the offensive line.


Cougar Tales: Zach Wilson, XC, and Golf

In an upturned year for sports with COVID-19 looming, BYU sports still made national headlines.

A black and white pixelated image featuring Pluto and its moons. Pluto is a bright pixelated white dot in the center. The moons are dim grey pixels on the outskirts of the image. The moons are circled in green.


Pixelated and Perfect

Learn how BYU scientists use Hubble Space Telescope images (like this one of Pluto) to make groundbreaking discoveries.

Fiona and Terryl Givens sit side by side at a table in their home library. Their table is covered in books. Fiona holds a pen in hand, about to mark a passage from a book.


Seeking the Best Books

In addition to the scriptures, Terryl and Fiona Givens have read dozens of religious authors. Here’s their favorite 12.