Where's Winegar? - Y Magazine
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Where’s Winegar?

Cliffs of MoherWhen you look at the grand vistas captured by James W. Winegar (BA ’08, BFA ’13) for his final student photo show, it is almost impossible not to insert yourself into the scenes. That’s what he did, after all. After shooting dozens of photos—which he would later stitch into one image—he set a timer or, in this shot, recruited his mom to push the button so he could work a human figure (himself) into the scene. His intent was two-fold: “To make that contrast between the size of man and the size of the landscape,” Winegar says, “and to motivate people to get outside.”

In addition to this image of Ireland’s Cliffs of Moher (a.k.a. the Cliffs of Insanity from The Princess Bride), Winegar’s BFA project features six more landscapes captured in Bulgaria, on the Great Salt Lake, and in California’s Death Valley and Joshua Tree National Parks.

Web: See Winegar’s collection of images at more.byu.edu/winegar.