Top 10 BYU Magazine Stories of 2017
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Top 10 BYU Magazine Stories of 2017

A cancer-killing discovery, hope for those with depression, and a student who lived off of campus plants were among our best-loved online stories of the year.

Check out the top 10.

MTC Time Lapse: Six Story Expansion

The two new MTC buildings, photographed from the north.
The view of the new MTC buildings from the north. Photo by Bradley Slade.

BYU’s next-door neighbor got a whole lot bigger. Watch a year of construction in fast-forward as two new Provo Missionary Training Center buildings go up, and up, and up.

Y, How You’ve Changed

An old snapshot of Heritage Halls is laid out over a shot of the new Heritage Halls

Replaced and improved, the changes of the last decade have brought a new sheen to campus while maintaining the familiar spirit of BYU. Catch up here.

What’s Killing Journalism?

BYU professors and alumni, their résumés spanning the Atlantic, Fox News, CNN, and more, on the state of the Fourth Estate—and who can save it. Read the story.

Light Attracts Light

Connor Sullivan poses for a picture on BYU campus.
Connor Sullivan. Photo by Bradley Slade.

Connor Sullivan was drawn to BYU for its Honor Code. What happened when he arrived changed his life forever. Read the story.

Not Your Average Joes

Members of the Hey Joe Show, Connor Peck, Sumner Mahaffey, Tylan Glines, Jacob Mingus, and Davis Blount, standing behind each other with their arms out.
For members of the Hey Joe Show—(from front) Connor Peck, Sumner Mahaffey, Tylan Glines, Jacob Mingus, and Davis Blount—and their Filipino fanbase, the affection is mutual. Photo by Bradley Slade.

With some 50 million video views, the prankster students behind the Hey Joe Show are now famous in the land of their mission field. Read the story.

A House Undivided

A mother bends down as she helps her daughter pump up a bicycle tire.
For parents Hadley (right) and Luke Howard, the most important work is raising a happy family that is willing to serve, so who does which household task is irrelevant. Photo by Bradley Slade.

More women are working outside the home than ever, but they still bear the lion’s share of the housework. Read the story.

When the Light Goes Out

Illustration by Anna and Elena Balbusso

Anxiety and depression are on the rise for college-age kids across America. See why, and how to help.

This Is Us

Screen capture of the infographic in the fall 2017 issue

The BYU family is found everywhere. See how we stand out in one crazy chart.

Stalking the Wild Glueberry

Neil Reed foraging in Central Park.
Neil Reed has a strong tradition of foraging, which took off his freshman year, when he spent only $8 on food. Here he’s shown hunting down some edible plants in New York City’s Central Park. Photo by Rachel Searle.

BYU alum Neil Reed went an entire school year spending just $8 on food. See how.

Cancer Killer

Craig Meyes
After almost 30 years of studying HPV cancer cells, Penn State Distinguished Professor of Microbiology and Immunology Craig Meyers unexpectedly found a virus (AAV2) that kills cancer cells. Photo courtesy Christine Baker.

Every cancer cell was dead. Now the million-dollar question for BYU alum Craig Meyers is figuring out how—and why—it worked. Read the story.