Lights, Camera - How Did Performing Arts Adapt to COVID-19?
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Lights, Camera

Male and female dancers wearing colorful traditional Central American costumes perform on stage.
Living Legends dancers rehearse for a livestreamed performance. Photo by Bradley Slade.

Masks in place, Living Legends dancers took the stage—their audience out of sight. Amid COVID-19 restrictions BYU arts groups put on free livestreamed shows, with viewers tuning in throughout fall semester from 30 countries.

Performing in a pandemic isn’t easy: there’s wrangling tech, securing streaming copyrights, and constant sanitizing.

But student performers and tech crew are up for it, says Bridget R. Benton, assistant dean and producer in the College of Fine Arts and Communications: “They’re passionate about what they do. They just want to be able to create their art.”

Find the winter streaming performance schedule at