Chris Feinauer (BS ’80), sales manager for U.S. Bank’s northwest region, speaks to recent graduates at a networking luncheon.
The BYU Alumni Association has retooled its program for recent graduates in an effort to offer better support for professional, social, and family priorities. Designed for alumni who graduated within the last 10 years, the upgraded program was launched in Utah County in January, and plans are under way for similar organizations across the United States.
“We surveyed recent graduates and found their needs and interests centered on those three areas, ” says Christopher D. Giovarelli (BA ’08), alumni program administrator. “To support those needs, we offer events such as monthly networking lunches and lectures as well as a variety of online services for those who live anywhere. Each event will focus on one or more of those needs our alumni identified. I ’m particularly interested in this program because I’m a recent graduate, and I can develop programs that affect people like me.”
The lectures will be given in the Hinckley Center but will also be recorded and posted online. Topics will include financial planning, young family training, and relationship development. The monthly networking luncheons are hosted by the Spark Restaurant Lounge, a local restaurant owned by a recent BYU graduate; the lunches have been well received, says Giovarelli.
Additionally, Giovarelli and his planning board have identified seven key cities to expand their programs. They include Los Angeles, Portland, Phoenix/Mesa, Salt Lake City, Dallas, New York, and Washington, D.C.
“Our plan is to identify and train leadership in each of those areas,” Giovarelli says. “The committee will work with the alumni chapter in that area. The expectation is that these areas will have at least one event per quarter in whatever area they choose. As it builds, we hope to have chapters wherever we have substantial numbers of our recent graduates. ”
INFO: Visit recentgrad.byu.edu or send e-mail to recentgrad@byu.edu.