A Wee Bonnie Nicht at BYU - Y Magazine
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A Wee Bonnie Nicht at BYU


Adorned in a kilt and a furry sporran and wielding a knife, Eric Gilzean, former president of the Utah Scottish Association, recites Robert Burns’ “Address to a Haggis” in a strong Scottish brogue: “His knife see rustic Labour dight, / An’ cut ye up wi’ ready slight, / Trenching your gushing entrails bright, / Like onie ditch; / And then, O what a glorious sight, / Warm-reeking, rich!” He then heartily stabs the meaty haggis, as is customary at BYU’s Burns Supper. Hosted by the Scottish Association and BYU’s Kennedy Center for International Relations, the annual celebration of the Ploughman Poet was held Feb. 5 with bagpipes, nips and tatties (turnips and potatoes), and some 250 guests. A silent auction raised funds for BYU’s Scottish Parliament Internship.