BYU bids adieu to the following faculty members who retired from the university by September 2019:
Baker, Roger C., mathematics
Brinton, Bonnie, communication disorders
Bullough, Robert V., Jr., teacher education
Boswell, Grant M. (BA ’76), English
Brown, Kendall W. (BA ’73), history
Draper, Thomas W. (BS ’71, MS ’73), family life
Durham, W. Cole, Jr., law
Erickson, Robert G. (BA ’71, PhD ’00), French
Freeborn, Donna S., nursing
Fujiki, Martin, communication disorders
Gibb, Gordon S. (MEd ’88), counseling
Gordon, James D., III (BA ’77), law, assistant to the president for
Harker, Alan R., microbiology
Hawks, Val D. (BS ’80), manufacturing engineering
Holzapfel, Richard N. (BA ’78), Church history and doctrine
Houze, Annick R. (BA ’85, MLS ’88), catalog librarian
King, Gail K., Asian studies librarian
Klein, Ilona, Italian
Kowallis, Bart J. (BS ’77), geological sciences
Lockwood, Gayle Groo (BMu ’67), music
Mabey, Linda B., nursing
Magleby, David B., political science
Meservy, Rayman D. (BS ’74, BS ’77, MAC ’77), information systems
Minert, Roger P. (BA ’77), Church history and doctrine
Moody, Richard A. (BS ’84), Counsel-
Murdoch, Robert G. (MLS ’81), library administration
Peery-Fox, Irene, music
Peterson, Bryan G. (BS ’78, PhD ’83), physics and astronomy
Phillips, Kerk L. (BA ’86), economics
Rees, Lawrence B. (BS ’76), physics and astronomy
Rhoads, Gary K., marketing and
Richards, P. Scott (BS ’81, MA ’83), counseling psychology and special
Roby, Jini Lyman (BS ’77, MSW ’84, MS ’84, JD ’90), social work
Roundy, Bruce A., plant and wildlife sciences
Scharman, Janet S., Counseling and
Snyder, Delys Waite (BA ’78, MA ’90, PhD ’07), English
Stirling, Wynn C., electrical and
Swensen, Dale S. (BA ’78, MLS ’85), law library technical services
Taniguchi, Stacy T. (PhD ’04), experience design and management
Taylor, Russell C. (BA ’70, MLS ’72), library administration
Thompson, Chantal Peron (BA ’70, MA ’72), French
Wakefield, Robert I. (BA ’80, MA ’90), communications
Watabe, Masakazu (BA ’72, MA ’73), Japanese
Wilde, Doran K. (BS ’78), electrical and computer engineering
Woodfield, Scott N. (BS ’75, MS ’78), computer science
York, Neil L. (BA ’73, MA ’75), history