Advertising Success - Y Magazine
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Advertising Success


What do Nike, Yahoo, GM, and Verizon have in common? Well, besides being Fortune 500 companies, they’ve all used BYU’s Ad Lab—a professional advertising agency run primarily by students—to develop national marketing campaigns.

Some of these campaigns are on display in the Gordon B. Hinckley Alumni and Visitors Center. The new, interactive display (left) allows visitors to view prints and video spots from student-created campaigns. In 2008 one such campaign helped a BYU team become the first group from a U.S. school to win the annual L’Oreal Brandstorm competition in Paris, France.

“[The display] is designed to show our visitors what is taking place on campus between faculty and students,” says Ronald J. Clark (BA ’72), director of public affairs and guest relations at BYU. “These programs are invaluable in providing opportunities for our students to gain professional experience while still in college.”