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Chatter Box

Kyle Collinsworth dribbling forward with the basketball in his hand.

Photo by Jaren Wilkey

“BYU’s Kyle Collinsworth has tied the NCAA record for triple-doubles in a career . . . in one season.”

ESPN College BB tweet on the BYU guard’s record-breaking season.

“Even if you’re Justin Timberlake, you can look back and . . . be inspired by your history.”

David J. Archuleta (’18) at the BYU- and FamilySearch-sponsored RootsTech family history conference, after performing a song Timberlake wrote about his grandparents.

“Living-room holography may be yet another hoary prediction of the future that actually does arrive in the present.”

The Economist on the research of Daniel E. Smalley, a BYU computer engineering professor who recently published on technology that may lead to inexpensive holographic video.

Professor Norm R. Nemrow smiling.

Photo by Bradley Slade

“You’d think a Holly-wood actor had come to campus.”

A Chronicle of Higher Education report on non-traditional classrooms about the popularity of former BYU professor Norm R. Nemrow (’78), star and creator of BYU’s intro to accounting online lecture series.