BYU's Chamber Orchestra Plays Humanitarian Concert for Ukraine
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BYU Orchestra performs in a Catholic Church in Vienna.
The BYU Chamber Orchestra performs Ukrainian music in a Catholic Church in Vienna for Ukrainian refugees. Photo by Jaren Wilkey.

“If you want to help us, play our music.”

These words from a former Ukrainian student rang in Kory L. Katseanas’s ears as he led the BYU Chamber Orchestra in a concert for refugees in Vienna, Austria. Emotion hung throughout Neuottakring Catholic Church as the orchestra played the final notes of the Ukrainian composition Melody by Myroslav Skoryk. The humanitarian concert paid tribute to the millions of Ukrainians displaced from their homes. About 150 of these refugees were in attendance. “There were people there who’d been sheltering in basements just days before,” says Katseanas.

It’s not just about entertaining. “It’s about serving through music.”

See more concert photos here.