Retiring professors are listed with their respective disciplines and number of years spent at BYU.
Barlow, Brent A. (BS ’66), family life, 31
Bartholomew, Calvin H., Jr. (BS ’68), chemical engineering, 35
Bell, Douglas J. (BS ’70), counseling, 36
Black, Hal L. (’60), wildlife sciences, 33
Blackinton, David P., music, 28
Bohac, Rodney D., history, 25
Bohn, David E. (BA ’67), political science, 33
Boren, Murray E. (BA ’75), music, 14
Bradshaw, William S., microbiology and molecular biology, 38
Brinley, Douglas E. (PhD ’75), Church history, 18
Brown, Linda W. (’70), librarian, 25
Brown, S. Kent (’62), ancient scripture, 37
Clayton, Claudia J. (BA ’70), psychology, 18
Cockayne, Susan (PhD ’90), microbiology and molecular biology, 26
Derr, C. Brooklyn (’64), organizational leadership, 7
Eddy, Richard C. (BA ’67), continuing education, 35
Eldredge, J. Lloyd (BS ’58), teacher education, 27
Fales, Susan L. (MA ’73), librarian, 34
Floyd, C. Douglas (’80), law, 17
Franz, Kay B. (MS ’68), nutrition, 40
Frost, Richard L. (’91), electrical engineering, 21
Gale, Larrie E. (’73), communications, 31
Geurts, Michael D., business management, 33
Gillum, Gary P. (MLS ’71), librarian, 37
Gonzales, Ronald F. (’77), information technology, 31
Halliday, Irene Hardy (BA ’63), librarian, 20
Hamilton, C. Mark (BA ’67), visual arts, 34
Hansen, J. Merrell (BA ’64), teacher education, 20
Hanson, Kaye T. (BA ’64), organizational leadership, 18
Hedengren, Paul C. (’81), philosophy, 27
Holmes, Blair R. (BA ’66), history, 37
Holsinger, Donald B. (BA ’66), education, 11
Hughes, Dean, English, 8
Jackson, Richard H. (BS ’65), geography, 39
Jensen, Farrell E., economics, 26
Johnson, Richard E. (BS ’71), sociology, 32
Kirkham, Kate L., organizational leadership, 30
Koller, Roland H., II, business management, 39
Longmore, Dean R. (BS ’67), business management, 17
Lundberg, Constance K. (MLIS ’93), law librarian, 26
Lyon, Thomas E., Jr., Spanish, 36
Marshall, Robert L. (BA ’66), visual arts, 39
Maughan, Michael L., counselor, 37
Mills, Gordon E. (BA ’66), organizational leadership, 37
Mouritsen, Russell H. (BA ’69), communications, 26
Nelson, Douglas C. (BS ’73), recreation management, 32
Noel, Robert E. (BS ’64), exercise science, 29
Palmer, Allen W. (BA ’70), communications, 20
Pollington, Andrew D., mathematics, 26
Pope, Clayne L. (MA ’72), economics, 38
Pullins, Katherine Duke (BA ’85), law, 20
Randall, David M. (BA ’65), music, 38
Rasmussen, Dennis F., philosophy, 38
Sargent, David H. (BA ’66), music, 32
Stahmann, Robert F., family life, 33
Skousen, K. Fred (BS ’65), accounting, 38
Smart, David W. (BA ’64), counseling, 15
Taylor, Benjamin J., physics and astronomy, 28
Wells, M. Gawain (BS ’67), psychology, 36
Wheeler, Gloria E. (’91), public management, 30
Woolley, Bruce H., physiology and developmental biology, 31
Zimmerman, Beverly Barrup (BA ’67), English, 16
Zimmerman, S. Scott (BS ’69), chemistry, 30