1997 Award Nominees Sought - Y Magazine
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1997 Award Nominees Sought

The Alumni Association honors several outstanding BYU alumni during the October Homecoming festivities each year.

The Alumni Association Board of Directors encourages you to participate by nominating individuals who deserve special recognition. Current BYU employees and members of the university’s governing boards, including General Authorities, are not eligible for these awards.

Nominees should manifest high moral character and religious virtues (but are not required to be members of the LDS Church).

If you know of an individual who meets the criteria for any of the following awards, please request the appropriate nomination form from Alumni Awards Coordinator, BYU Alumni House, PO Box 22440, Provo, UT 84602-2440, or by E-mail to dyann_houston@byu.edu. Nominations must be received by Feb. 1, 1997.

Distinguished Service Award. Given to alumni of BYU who have provided
outstanding service to their professions, community, nation, or church.

Alumni Service to Family Award. Given to BYU alumni for outstanding service rendered in a home environment, including extended family–may be given to an individual or a family.

Honorary Alumni Award. Given to those who have not attended BYU but who have rendered outstanding and significant service to BYU.

The Emeritus Alumni Association is also accepting nominations for the BYU Emeritus Special Recognition Award. Ten awards are given annually to individuals who have made significant contributions in such areas as profession, community, and church, or to individuals who have shown dedicated support of BYU or whose actions have brought distinction or credit to the university.

For nomination forms and award criteria, contact the Emeritus Alumni Association, PO Box 22450, Provo, UT 84602-2450, or send E-mail to heidi_hastings@byu.edu. The deadline for nominations is Dec. 19, 1996.