After five decades and a little detective work, a class ring found its way back to Eric Paul.

After a half-century apart, Eric B. Paul (BS ’71) was finally reunited with the BYU class ring he lost on a Park City golf course shortly after graduating nearly 50 years ago. When it wasn’t retrieved from the course lost and found, it sat in the closet of the course’s golf pro for decades. After he died, his widow passed it to nephew-in-law Jeffery N. Bunker (BS ’86, MEd ’87), BYU Enrollment Services associate executive director. With sleuthing help from Jostens and the BYU Alumni Office, Bunker located its original owner and sent it off polished and cleaned to Paul in Mesa, Arizona.
“I can’t tell you how elated I was to receive word that my ring had been found,” says Paul. “I’m reminded of two of my favorite quotes: ‘For friends at first are friends again at last’ and ‘My Precious.’”