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Y Magazine > Writers > Kate Hansen Roberson

Kate Hansen Roberson

Three college students stand up and talk at a BYU devotional.


Collective Connection

New study shows that BYU devotional attendance builds feelings of belonging among college students on campus.

Interfaith-leadership students sit in a church in London.


Friendship Among Faiths

Interfaith efforts elevate the way BYU students engage with religion.

A new BYU study shows stark differences between men and women when walking alone.


Through a Woman’s Eyes

Walking alone is different for women. A new BYU study has eye-catching proof.

BYU LEGO exhibit mosaic of Jesus Christ.


Beyond the Bricks

An exhibit in the Harold B. Lee Library showcases a mosaic of Jesus Christ—made up of LEGOS.

Tricks of the Trade
Spring 2024
Three religious-education colleagues share a love of performing magic.
Flipping Script
Spring 2024
Graphic-design professor Linda A. Reynolds and a team of students used spatulas to build a custom typeface.
Life and Breath
Spring 2024
This summer BYU students will collect data to help improve air conditions for Nepali bricklayers.