Thriving Spiritually

Thriving Spiritually
What does it mean to spiritually thrive? And how are you doing?
By Matthew F. Wickman (BA ’92) in the Spring 2021 Issue
Photography by Bradley H. Slade (BFA ’94)
I was recently invited to join a group of faculty and administrators asking what it means for students to thrive and how we might better promote such thriving here at BYU. We discussed important topics including academic engagement, social connectedness, and good citizenship. Of greatest interest to me, and the topic I was specifically tasked to consider, was what it means to thrive spiritually.
I have begun thinking more intently about the aims of a BYU education, particularly the one stipulating that our experiences at this university should be “spiritually strengthening.”¹ I ask myself what this means relative to the classes I teach, and I ask my students what it means relative to the classes they take. Much of my scholarly work these days addresses diverse aspects of spiritual life in literary and intellectual history.
President Russell M. Nelson observed that “in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.”² By that measure, we might say that we survive and even thrive spiritually to the extent that we habitually seek and enjoy spiritual experiences—that we invite, treasure, and learn from the Spirit of God.
These are experiences of a very unique kind. The English poet William Blake once wondered whether it was possible to see the world in a grain of sand, to discern in even the tiniest particles the vast array of forces that make things what they are.³ In their way, spiritual experiences are just such miraculous particles, enabling us to glimpse the vastness of God’s plan of salvation. Think about it: to have any experience with the Spirit of God is to experience at least three realities—first, that God lives; second, that our lives have a purpose (a purpose for God to reach out to us); and third, that Christ’s Atonement is operative in our lives, bringing us back at least partly into God’s presence. To feel the Spirit, even in subtle ways or about seemingly small things, is to open a window onto eternity.
Becoming Aware
In a seminar I teach on spiritual experience and literature, the students and I instruct each other on how to recognize ways that poems and novels give expression to spiritual things. This requires us to learn about what spirituality means in academic as well as scriptural terms, expanding our spiritual vocabularies to include phrases like “neurocognitive intensification” and “the interconnectedness of thought and feeling” as well as familiar scriptural phrases like “burning in the bosom” (see D&C 9:8) and “stupor of thought” (D&C 9:9).
As an exercise, I ask students to keep journals taking note of their spiritual impressions—when and how they occur and how the students respond. One student, H. Moe Graviet (BA ’20), gave me permission to share a portion of her journal where she recorded spiritual impressions she had received shortly before a large assignment was due in another class.
She was visiting her family and woke up in the morning eager to get to work but felt distinct spiritual impressions to instead go back to sleep and get a little more rest, to take time to pray and read her scriptures, and to spend time with her family. As the day progressed, she began to worry: did the Spirit want her to get a bad grade on her big assignment? I quote here from her account:
I determined whether an impression was coming from the Spirit based on whether it felt peaceful or led in the way of peace. So when my sister wanted to go for a run, I went. When my mom needed help in the basement, I helped . . . . I kept feeling an extraordinary, counterintuitive peace—like the Lord was showing me how I could live life in a state of calm instead of panic. Of course, by the end of the day, the Lord blessed my mind with ideas and energy to get done all I needed to. In reflecting on this experience, I began to wonder if this is what it’s like to actually live under the influence of the Spirit—to live calmly, doing the right things at the right moments, and getting things done with joy and peace instead of stress. And I honestly began to wonder if I had done it all wrong these last four years of college and what things would have been like if I had been intentionally living each day like this. I wondered if I could have saved myself a lot of stress and hopelessness and why I didn’t trust the whole time.⁴
What if we, like Moe, sought the presence of the Spirit a little more intentionally? What if we trained ourselves to be more aware of how the Spirit communicates with us and made it a habit to heed its promptings? What if we were more mindful of cultivating the companionship of the Holy Ghost even when we weren’t seeking answers to urgent questions? Would we feel more connected to God and each other, and would we live a little more like the people we want to be?
“The Spirit helps us build relationships and heightens our awareness of life’s richness and diversity.” —Matthew Wickman
Parley P. Pratt, an early leader of the restored Church, sure believed so. He wrote in 1855:
The gift of the Holy Ghost . . . quickens all the intellectual faculties, increases, enlarges, expands and purifies all the natural passions and affections; and adapts them, by the gift of wisdom, to their lawful use. It inspires, develops, cultivates and matures all the fine-toned sympathies, joys, tastes, kindred feelings and affections of our nature. It inspires virtue, kindness, goodness, tenderness, gentleness and charity. It develops beauty of person, form and features. It tends to health, vigor, animation and social feeling . . . . In short, it is, as it were, marrow to the bone, joy to the heart, light to the eyes, music to the ears, and life to the whole being.⁵
The message here is that the Spirit’s influence extends to all areas of life. Its inspiration is not limited to providing direction or confirming truth, and it can expand our capacities to learn and think, to create and enjoy. The Spirit deepens our experience and thus helps us build relationships, heighten our awareness of life’s richness and diversity, and discern more intensely the beauty of things to which we might otherwise be dulled.

Our Spiritual Gifts
So how do we access the Spirit more fully? My student’s practice was to take careful note of how the Spirit moves her and then discipline herself to respond to its promptings. Many people, though, are unsure of how to judge their own spiritual impressions.
Recently, a friend reached out to me wanting to know whether she should speak out about something that had been bothering her. She said that she had tried to seek out the Spirit to know what to do but that she sometimes felt confused as to whether her inspiration came from God or herself. I wondered whether my friend and God might work more seamlessly together rather than in opposition, so I asked her instead about her spiritual gifts. What are they? And might they serve as conduits for her to receive inspiration? She shared three: discernment, love, and forgiveness. I replied that perhaps these beautiful gifts directed her not to the question of whether she should speak but how—that perhaps addressing the situation that was bothering her in a discerning, loving, and forgiving way would allow the Spirit to communicate with and also through her. This small suggestion that she trust her own spiritual gifts seemed to open in her a channel of inspiration and increase her spiritual confidence.
Spiritual gifts are traces in us of our divine natures, aspects of ourselves in which we more fully reflect our Heavenly Parents. We read in scripture that “there are diversities of gifts” (1 Cor. 12:4) and that to each of us “is given a gift” (D&C 46:11) or perhaps several gifts. I have seen how drawing on these unique gifts can bring us closer to God, perhaps because they call on parts of ourselves that are closer to God already.
Many years ago a former student contacted me and asked if we could talk. I invited her to my home, where she explained that she no longer felt as assured about following her original career dream. She had explored other options and nothing seemed right, so she was considering pursuing a PhD. We talked about graduate school applications, writing samples, letters of intent, and so forth. She took a few notes. But I could sense in her feelings of uncertainty and unhappiness.
Then the Spirit impressed me with a new thought. I told her not to worry about career tracks for a moment and reflect instead on her spiritual gifts. If she thought about pursuing a life most in keeping with those gifts, what kind of life would that be? The mood in the room instantly changed; she said she hadn’t thought about approaching her future with that question in mind. Later in the week, she sent me a note informing me that she had found new clarity in her thinking and now discerned a life and career path that seemed well suited to her. Anxiety had given way to joy.
“In their way, spiritual experiences are just such miraculous particles, enabling us to glimpse the vastness of God’s plan of salvation. ” —Matthew Wickman
Seeking the Spirit as our guide can feel a little daunting, at least until we remember that we are cocreators with God—cocreators of our lives and the world around us. While we do confront matters of right or wrong and truth or falsehood, and while it is vital to seek the Spirit’s confirmation regarding such things, most inspiration is less absolute in nature. Rather, it tends to be broader and more open ended: What moves you, or what might move you? What might you learn, and how might you learn it? What talents, traits, and virtues might you cultivate? What in our world might be better because of your involvement? In these and so many other areas, the Spirit is a creative partner who can help us fashion better ways to live and be. For every occasion when the Spirit helps us narrow our choices, there are many others when the Spirit assists us in multiplying them. The Spirit offers guidance, and that guidance is usually liberating.

Discerning the Spirit
What, then, about those seasons of life when we may feel far from God or when our spiritual lives feel vexed by questions, even crises? What does it mean to thrive spiritually when we feel weighed down by illness, grief, unkindness, loneliness, discrimination, anxiety, depression, abuse, trauma, rejection, disappointment, or numerous other hardships? Spiritual reassurance alone may not seem like much of a remedy. But if we continue to seek the Spirit’s presence even in difficult circumstances, and if we are mindful of what we discern in that miraculous grain of sand, we may find that God and relief are closer than we think.
On a Sunday in March 2012, my ward’s priesthood quorum leader announced that the following week a man from our neighborhood, a lifelong member of the Church now in his 80s, would be attending our services for the first time in more than 50 years. “When you see him,” the leader encouraged us, “say hello; make him feel welcome.”
The following week, the last Sunday of March, this man, Jerry, joined us for priesthood meeting. I liked him instantly: he carried an air of understated elegance and stood and introduced himself in a soft, plainspoken voice. Later, in Sunday School, there was an open seat next to Jerry, so I took it and extended my hand.
The lesson that day was based on the Book of Mormon, and all Jerry had was an old Bible. So, as the teacher moved through the lesson, I opened my scriptures so that Jerry could follow along.
When the class ended, people began filing to the chapel for sacrament meeting. But Jerry remained slumped in his chair, staring at the floor. I stayed there with him.
“Everything alright?”
He blinked a couple times, formulating a thought. What he finally emitted was dour: “That discussion went over my head. Everyone here knows so much about the gospel, and I know so little. I feel like I’ve wasted my life. I should never have come back.”
His words landed like a gut punch. Out of nowhere, I found myself in a crisis moment not of my own life but of someone else’s. I did not know this man and was roughly half his age; my aim in sitting beside him had simply been to convey the welcoming spirit of our ward community. I was not equipped to deliver judgment on the meaning of his life—on where it had been wasted and where it had been well spent.
But the occasion called for understanding and a substantive reply. So I sat still: one second, two seconds, three—praying silently to know what to say. And then, like a lightning flash, a thought burst into my mind.
I tapped his Bible. “When you get home today, I want you to open to Matthew 20. There’s a parable there about laborers in a vineyard. The Lord calls some workers early, some a little later, some later and then later still, and some at the last hour of the day. But if they go to work for him, he pays them all the same wage. The message is that it’s never too late for us to respond to God. In His eyes, we’re never too late.”
Jerry’s brow softened a little. “I like the sound of that.”
“I like it, too, and I believe it’s true. So today, after you get home, read that parable. And then, the next time we’re here at church, I want you to tell me what your impressions were as you read it.”
“Yeah, okay,” he pledged. “I can do that.”
The following week, the first Sunday of April, was general conference. One of the talks that weekend struck me with particular force. It was by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (BS ’65, MA ’66), and it was titled “The Laborers in the Vineyard.” Elder Holland expounded on that parable from Matthew 20 and then expressed this beautiful thought:
“God knows and loves you, and He hasn’t forgotten about you.” —Matthew Wickman
I do not know who in this vast audience today may need to hear the message of forgiveness inherent in this parable, but however late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don’t have, or however far from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines.⁶
The Sunday after general conference, back at our ward building, Jerry found me. “Hey, did you hear Elder Holland?” he asked. “He spoke about that parable!” It was a message, Jerry felt, intended directly for him. He became a vital member of our ward: beloved of the regulars, a minister to those on the margins, and a pilgrim to temples in several western states.
Several years later I happened to find myself in Elder Holland’s ward, seated beside him on the stand. I told him the story about Jerry and the impact his talk had made. He smiled and invoked a theatrical metaphor. “You seek inspiration to know what to say,” he remarked, “but you don’t always see heaven working in the wings.”
Heaven Working in the Wings
As I have thought about that experience over the years, I have reflected on the truth of that idea: we don’t always see heaven working in the wings. Elder Holland didn’t see it in the life of one man out of the immense throng of people to whom he had spoken at general conference. Jerry didn’t see it at first in the difficult decision to return to church after a long absence.
We can’t always see heaven working on our behalf, but any experience with the Spirit, no matter how small, is evidence that God is doing just that. Forget for a moment receiving some great answer to prayer. Have you felt the Spirit even a little as you have sought the Lord in prayer? Have you felt the Spirit convey to you that God loves you, or that He understands you, or that He has great hopes for you, or that He sorrows with you, or that He rejoices with you, or that He appreciates your gratitude to Him or your kind deed for someone else? Have you felt the Spirit open your mind to help you learn something new, or turn you to something good, or inspire you to perceive something beautiful, or reassure you that things will be okay, that you aren’t lost, that God knows exactly where you are? If you have ever had any of these experiences or myriad others like them, you have effectively experienced our Father’s plan of salvation in a grain of sand.
You have been shown that God is real, that your life has a purpose, and that Christ’s Atonement is making it possible for you to feel God’s presence a little more fully.
What does spiritual thriving mean to me? Very simply, it means seeking, recognizing, and enjoying experiences with the Spirit of God. It means being mindful of the breadth of ways the Spirit moves us and then being responsive to its inspiration, perhaps by drawing on our unique spiritual gifts and perhaps by learning to perceive God’s presence even when we are preoccupied with other concerns.
So how are you doing? Would you say you are thriving spiritually? My conviction is that if you have experiences with the Spirit, even ones that are only still and small, then God is choosing to abide with you. Meanwhile, if you are disheartened about all the spiritual experiences you feel you don’t have, then I would say to you what the Lord once communicated to my friend Jerry, which is that in God’s eyes, you are probably doing a lot better than you think you are. God knows and loves you, and He hasn’t forgotten about you. You can’t “sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines.” And we don’t always see heaven working in the wings.
Matthew F. Wickman, a professor of English and the founding director of the BYU Humanities Center, delivered the devotional address upon which this article is based on Dec. 1, 2020. Find the full text, audio, and video at
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- The Aims of a BYU Education (March 1, 1995).
- Russell M. Nelson, “Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives,” Ensign, May 2018.
- William Blake, “Auguries of Innocence” (ca. 1803).
- Moe Graviet, “Spiritual Exercises Portfolio,” April 2020; cited with permission.
- Parley P. Pratt, Key to the Science of Theology (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1973), p. 101.
- Jeffrey R. Holland, “The Laborers in the Vineyard,” Ensign, May 2012; emphasis in original; see also Matthew 20.