Think Shirt Safety - Y Magazine
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Think Shirt Safety

Think Shirt SafetyBursting seams, sagging buttons, uneven collars: shirt inspection is not a matter to be taken lightly. The BYU student film Inspector 42 demonstrates the dangers of sloppy stitching when a quality inspector lets a few faulty shirts through in order to meet a quota. These killer shirts cause a series of disasters, putting the protagonist in a moral dilemma, caught between his conscience, his girlfriend, his boss, and the law.

Inspector 42 pocketed two “student Emmys” from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Foundation—one for best drama and one for best director, won by Nathan D. Lee (BA ’09). He and producer Lyvia A. Martinez (BA ’10), both media arts students, wrote the script, which was brought to life by a cast and crew of about 50 BYU students. BYU took home two additional “student Emmys” for other student films: best composition in music and third place in animation.