Lucky Number 13 - Y Magazine
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Lucky Number 13

As a boy, Kevin J Worthen had ambitions to play in the NBA. But on Sept. 9, he packed the Marriott Center for a very different reason: he was about to be inaugurated as the 13th president of BYU.

Standing before thousands of BYU students, faculty, church and civic leaders, and countless others watching the broadcast, President Worthen expressed his hopes that BYU will provide an education that will lift and transform students. He related how this “type of life-changing education can take an inexperienced and insecure young man from the coal mines of Carbon County, whose sole and futile aspiration growing up was to be a pro basketball player, who never dreamed of being a university professor, and prepare that kind of individual intellectually and spiritually to become, by some unlikely miracle, the president of one of the greatest universities in America.”

Photography by Todd F. Wakefield (’15)