By J. Gordon Daines III (BA ’97), University Archivist

Firefighters hose down BYU’s Motion Picture Studio in 1964. During the building’s fire, staff managed to rescue all exposed footage for films then under production.
125 years ago: The General Church Board of Education names Brigham Young Academy’s Normal College as its official teacher-training program.
100 years ago: BYU students are wowed by the arrival of cars in Provo: “great was the wondering, for lo! Few had expected such to happen before 1932,” write the editors of a 1914–15 Y yearbook.
75 years ago: Heber J. Grant restructures the BYU Board of Trustees, making the membership the same as that of the General Church Board of Education.
50 years ago: Fire ravages a soundstage and equipment at the BYU Motion Picture Studio.
25 years ago: Rex E. Lee (BA ’60) becomes the 10th president of BYU on July 1, 1989.
10 years ago: The men’s volleyball team wins the national championship—its third in five years.
5 years ago: The College of Life Sciences acquires a new DNA genome sequencer, increasing BYU’s research possibilities.
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