By B. Robert Zawronty, ’04, Editorial Intern
I was born a true blue “BYU baby,” my young parents’ third child in nearly three years. While Mom stayed home to rear the kids, Dad learned the art of balancing books and bottles, diapers and papers. Provo provided great family fun—trips up the canyon, ice cream runs to Reams, and regular trips to the “animal boonty” (what my brother called the Monte L. Bean Life Museum).
Twenty-three years later, I have come back to my roots. I pass the “animal boonty” every day as I go to work. And while ascending the hill on the south end of campus, I see the park where Dad took black-and-white pictures of us kids for a photography class. And I see BYU babies and their parents all around: mothers struggling with strollers, dads changing diapers, and kids feeding fish in the botany pond.
We want to hear your BYU baby experiences—as a parent, a child, or just an observer. Send your stories (of up to 300 words) to First Person, BYU Magazine, 209 UPB, Provo, UT 84602 or