Chair Changes: Timothy B. Smith (BS ’91) is the new chair of the Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education. An EdD to Lead: A new doctorate program beginning summer 2011 will allow full-time educators to complete a degree focusing on school leadership.
Engineering and Technology
Picture-Perfect Result: BYU swept the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Micro- and Nanosystems Photo Contest: mechanical engineering grad student Walter C. Fazio (BS ’09) took first and third and fellow student Gregory L. Holst (BS ’09) took second. Fresh Fellow: Civil and environmental engineering professor A. Woodruff Miller (BES ’69) is now a fellow in the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Family, Home, and Social Sciences
Historical Achievement: Associate history professor Jay H. Buckley (BA ’94) received the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation’s 2010 Meritorious Achievement Award for his book William Clark: Indian Diplomat.
Fine Arts and Communications
Sculpting Success: Sculpture student David C. Hawkins (’11) received a 2010 Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award from the International Sculpture Center and was featured inSculpture magazine.
Professor Becomes President: Humanities professor Steven P. Sondrup is the new president of the International Comparative Literature Association. An Earlier Halley’s Sighting?: According to an article published in the Journal of Cosmology and couthored by philosophy professor Daniel W. Graham (MA ’75) and associate professor of physics and astronomy Eric G. B. Hintz (PhD ’95), Halley’s Comet may have been observed more than 200 years earlier than researchers formerly believed.
Kennedy Center
European Research: Recent grads Ryan M. Merriman (BA ’10) and Spencer A. Pearce (BA ’10) presented papers at the Claremont–UC Undergraduate Research Conference on the European Union. Out of 46 conference papers, theirs were among eight chosen for publication.
Law School
Legal Briefs: The Law School has begun offering short courses, just one to three weeks long, taught by prominent judges and attorneys from across the nation. The Real Deal: The Utah Supreme Court held a session at the Law School, allowing students and faculty to witness the court firsthand.
Life Sciences
Highly Cited: With nearly 20,000 citations of his research in other scientists’ papers, Biology Department chair Keith A. Crandall has been designated a “higly cited” researcher in the field of ecology and environment by ISI’s Web of Knowledge database.
Marriott School
Study of the Decade: The Journal of International Business Studies named an article on trust in the auto industry by strategy professor Jeffrey H. Dyer (BS ’82) and coauthor Wujin Chu the most influential study of the decade. Presidential Appointment: President Barack Obama has appointed associate management professor Rex L. Facer (BA ’91) to the Federal Salary Council. The nine-member council oversees government employees’ compensation.
Saving Babies: The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses presented the March of Dimes “Saving Babies, Together” Award to emeritus professor Lynn Clark Callister (BS ’64) for her research on the impact of postpartum depression among culturally diverse women. In a Flash Drive: Assistant nursing professor Barbara A. Heise received the Muriel Thole Teaching and Learning Fellowship and $15,000 to develop a USB personal health record for medical reconciliation.
Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Alternative Energy Investigator: Assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry Daniel H. Ess (BS ’00) is now one of 12 principal investigators for the Center for Catalytic Hydrocarbon Functionalization.Peterson on Panel: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics appointed math education associate chair Blake E. Peterson to the editorial panel of the Mathematics Teacher.
Religious Education
GA Anthology: The Religious Studies Center (RSC) released The Voice of My Servants, a book featuring apostolic messages on gospel learning, teaching, and scripture.