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Chatter Box

“Haws’ high-volume shooting tendency, reasonable efficiency and BYU’s fast tempo [make] him the most likely no. 1.”

Sports Illustrated, predicting that senior guard M. Tyler Haws (’15) will be the nation’s top scorer in the 2014-2015 basketball season.

Mitt Romney at a podium

Photo by Mark A. Philbrick

“Consider with care how you act, what you say, and to what you [will] devote your life.”

Former presidential candidate W. Mitt Romney (BA ’71) speaking to a packed Marriott Center audience at a Nov. 18 campus forum.

“Wow. Spot on.”

Utah lieutenant governor Spencer Cox’s tweet after the Utah Colleges Exit Poll, conducted by student volunteers from BYU and other Utah universities, called a tight congressional race two hours early.

Olaf the snowman prancing in a field of dandelions

Olaf, courtesy of Disney

“Whatever message you’re putting in there really sinks in.”

Chris Buck, codirector of Disney’s Frozen, reminding BYU animation students of their potential influence in crafting family-friendly movies.