BYU Studies Publishes New Testament Bibliography, McLellin Journals - Y Magazine
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BYU Studies Publishes New Testament Bibliography, McLellin Journals

The BYU Studies office has published a 128-page bibliography that organizes writings by Latter-day Saints on the New Testament and the life of Christ.

“Anyone interested in information about LDS writings on Jesus and the teachings of the apostles in the New Testament will find this bibliography especially helpful,” says John W. Welch, editor in chief of BYU Studies.

The bibliography lists more than 1,500 entries alphabetically by author and in categories. The categories include topics such as the birth of Jesus, his baptism, miracles, parables, Jesus and women, Peter, James, John, Paul, the Last Supper, the Resurrection, and the teachings of Jesus.

“One of the most interesting aspects of this bibliography is the consistent and sensitive contribution of the late President Howard W. Hunter to this collection,” says Welch. “Forty-two titles come from President Hunter, who made the texts of the New Testament Gospels a regular source of his sermons and articles.”

The publication is titled We Rejoice in Christ: A Bibliography of LDS Writing on Jesus Christ and the New -Testament. Welch says the title was taken from 2 Nephi 25:26. “Nephi’s words seemed to describe precisely the faithful devotion and joyous testimony borne over and over again by LDS writers as they teach about the Savior and ponder the texts of the New Testament.”

The BYU Studies office has also recently published The Journals of William E. McLellin: 1831–1836. Converted to the LDS Church in 1831, McLellin became one of the original Latter-day Saint apostles. Although he later left the Church never to return, he held firm to his testimony of the Book of Mormon.

The book cover of the book "The Journals of William E. McLellin". It is a landscape of a long road, flat land, and a very cloudy sky.

Through years of faithfulness and of later waning devotion, McLellin kept his journals carefully. The six volumes written between 1831 and 1836 provide insight into McLellin himself as well as into early Mormon worship and doctrine and into general religious attitudes in 1830s America.

Jan Shipps and Welch, the editors of the book, recently were honored for their work on the McLellin journals by both the Mormon History Association and the John Whitmer Association with awards for the best edited document.

The 520-page hardback volume containing the McLellin journals and commentaries by LDS scholars is available for $29.95 through retail bookstores. Subscribers to BYU Studies may order the book for $22.50 plus $3 for shipping and handling through the BYU Studies office.

The New Testament bibliography was originally published as an issue of BYU Studies and is available at no cost to new subscribers who specifically request the volume. The bibliography is also available for $6.95 in retail bookstores or through the BYU Studies office. The annual subscription rate for BYU Studies (403 CB, BYU, Provo, UT 84602), a multidisciplinary LDS journal sponsored by BYU, is $15.