Using Art as a Medium for a Higher Message
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Sketching Out Her Future

Audrey White Day’s (BFA ’22) family knew something was afoot when, at age 4, she cleared the Lego bricks from the table and filled it with art supplies. Later when Audrey was in first grade, all the kids would gather around to watch her draw.

When Audrey was in high school, a BYU art camp swayed her college decision. At BYU, she says, “I had incredible teachers. For them, art wasn’t the message but the medium for another message, which was something higher: God and faith. That impressed me.”

Day loves the beauty she sees in the world and pushes herself to represent it meaningfully in story and text. She recently graduated with a master’s in children’s book illustration from the UK’s Cambridge School of Art. Her work has appeared in many places, including children’s books and magazines.

An angel taps on the back of a sleeping man at a desk in front of an open window.
1 of 5: Giuseppe’s Dream, gouache, colored pencil. Illustration by Audrey White Day.
Two young girls walk upstairs into a dark attic while holding candles.
2 of 5: Attic Investigation, digital; illustration by Audrey White Day.
A girl stands in front of a large clock framed by two trees with the words "Nancy Drew: The Secret of the Old Clock."
3 of 5: Nancy Drew: The Secret of the Old Clock, digital; illustration by Audrey White Day.
Three girls hold yellow flags while doing acrobatics with a cat.
4 of 5: August Acrobatics, gouache, colored pencil; illustration by Audrey White Day.
A brown horse stands at the edge of a cliff.
5 of 5: Sometimes I Get Lost, gouache, colored pencil; illustration by Audrey White Day.