A Journey Through History - Y Magazine
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A Journey Through History

Nauvoo TempleMore than 6,500 alumni—and a few of their friends—have now participated in BYU Alumni Association Church history tours, visiting sites such as the Hill Cumorah, the Sacred Grove, the Kirtland Temple, and the Nauvoo Illinois Temple. The tours originated in 2002 during the open house for the Nauvoo Temple, and the association has offered summer and autumn trips every year since.

“I took home some amazing memories and lots of knowledge that I didn’t have before,” says Shelli Hunger, who participated in a summer 2007 tour.

“I appreciate the information shared and taught. I will always cherish those memories and use the information to keep my testimony strong.”

web: Find details about the 2008 Alumni Association Church history tours at alumni.byu.edu.