A Golden Anniversary - Y Magazine
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A Golden Anniversary

Lloyd D. George

Fifty years after his photo was taken for the 1955 Banyan (left), class of 1955 student body president Lloyd D. George (BS ’55) strikes a familiar pose at the class reunion.

A lot has changed on campus since 1955. In 1955 you knew the Y was victorious when the Intercollegiate Knights rang the Y bell. The Heber J. Grant building served as a library—not a testing center. David O. McKay was prophet, and one of the newest buildings on campus was dedicated in his name.

Remembering those days, members of the class of ’55 gathered during Homecoming 2005 to celebrate their golden anniversary. Appropriately, the reunion was at the Wilkinson Student Center, named after Ernest L. Wilkinson (BA ’21), who was president of BYU in 1955.