54 Uwe J. Hansen (BS ’54, MA ’61, PhD ’66; Louise Brimhall [BA ’49; MFA ’66]; Terre Haute, Ind.) received distinguished service citations from the Indiana Academy of Science, where he served as president. He is the executive director of Central States Universities.
64 Buddy Youngreen (BS ’64; Orem, Utah) was honored as Advocate of the Arts during the ninth annual Star Awards at the SCERA Center for the Arts.
65 William C. Marchant (BS ’65, MA ’68, EdD University of Arizona ’71; LaNila Robertson [BS ’65]; Las Vegas) was recognized as an Unsung Hero by the Nevada Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (NAMFT) for 35 years of service. He has served as president of the state of Nevada Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) licensing board and executive director of the NAMFT. Freda LeVar Scott (BS ’65; R. Charles [BSE ’74]; Nashville, Tenn.) was promoted to director of the revenue cycle in the Center for Health Information Management at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and also served as president of the Tennessee Health Information Management Association. She and her husband have seven grandchildren.
66 Karl A. Miller (BES ’66, PhD ’71; Lydia; Calgary, Alberta), a reservoir engineering specialist with Husky Energy, received the Pioneer Award at the 19th annual Society of Petroleum Engineers Improved Oil Recovery Symposium.
69 Richard M. Eyre (MA ’69, MBA Harvard University ’71; Linda; Park City, Utah) and his wife, Linda, published The Turning: Why the State of the Family Matters, and What the World Can Do about It. The Eyres, who have written numerous books about parenting and family life, are New York Times best sellers and popular speakers worldwide.
71 Karen Evenson Hopkins (BA ’71, BA ’71; Martin K. [BA ’78, MEd ’86]; Rio Rico, Ariz.) has published her sixth e-book, White Shell Woman’s Promise, a novel set in the Navajo Nation.
74 Rick D. Nydegger (BS ’74, JD ’77; Denise Winegar [’72]; Highland, Utah), cofounder of intellectual property law firm Workman Nydegger, received the highest ranking for a patent attorney by Chambers USA 2014.
76 Michael D. Holden (BS ’76, BS ’79, MD Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara ’84, MD New York Medical College ’85; Dianne Craitem [’78]; Nauvoo, Ill.) provides emergency health care and medicine in three rural hospitals in the Nauvoo area. He and his wife are the parents of four children and grandparents of four grandchildren.

Ken Hinton
77 Maggie Cullimore Stevens (BS ’77; Gary [BS ’78]; Salt Lake City) rereleased her book, The Parent Fix: When Parents Change, Kids Change. Stevens leads the ParentFix Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to improving family life.
78 Kenneth A. Hinton (BS ’78, MAcc ’79; Kay Gabrielsen [BS ’78]; St. George, Utah) retired from HintonBurdick CPAs & Advisors, where he was senior partner. Hinton worked for the firm for more than 35 years, providing management, advisory, accounting, audit, and tax services for clients.
80 Richard W. Klomp (BA ’80, MOB ’82, MS Georgia State University ’00; Pamela Cook [BA ’78]; Duluth, Ga.) received the James Virgil Peavey Award for Employee Development for his work with the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress. Klomp is the deputy director of the WorkLife Initiative at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and has been invited to present at the International Preparedness and Response to Emergencies and Disasters Conference in Tel Aviv, Israel. Laurel Thatcher McNeil (BA ’80, MA ’86; Jed D. [BA ’84]; Sunnyvale, Calif.) is serving a two-year term as president of the Los Altos Teachers Association. She is a sixth grade teacher at Oak Elementary School and has been teaching for 17 years.
88 Melissa Dalton-Bradford (BA ’88, MA ’91; Randall J. Bradford [BA ’86, MOB ’90]; Prangins, Switzerland) published her second book, On Loss and Living Onward: Collected Voices for the Grieving and Those Who Would Mourn with Them.
91 S. Jay Young (BA ’91, JD ’94; Julie Bryan [BS ’86]; Las Vegas), a business litigation attorney at Howard & Howard, was named a 2014 Mountain States Super Lawyer.
92 Daniel W. Bender (BS ’92; Christina; Las Vegas) was elected vice president of Stanley Consultants. Bender is a licensed professional engineer with 22 years of experience and is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Public Works Association. Kimberly Carr Borup (BS ’92; M. Brett; Provo) and her husband, Brett, a BYU associate professor of environmental engineering, cofounded Paper Bandit Press, a letterpress business.
95 Ben P. Cahoon (BS ’95, MBA ’01; Kimberlee Saunders [BS ’93]; American Fork, Utah) and his business partner have launched AssetLogic, a company that provides a network platform the global investment community can use to collect, manage, and exchange information. D. Aaron Dalton (BA ’95, MM University of Cincinnati ’97; MBA University of Cincinnati ’99; MA University of Cincinnati ’01; Elise Malinka [BS ’96]; Provo) is chief financial officer of the consumer finance division of the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies. David M. Gill (BS ’95, MAcc ’95; MS Fordham University ’97; Sunitha; Los Angeles) is a partner at Ernst & Young in Los Angeles.
97 Sarah Newson Markos (BS ’97; Douglas J. [BS ’01, MS ’02]; West Melbourne, Fla.) coauthored the book Just For You: Selfish Sewing with Your Favorite SewCanShe Bloggers. Markos is the writer of the popular how-to blog Blue Susan Makes.
98 Samuel D. Gilstrap (BS ’98, MS ’98; Kelli Means [BS ’97]; Luxembourg) is cofounder of AssetLogic, a company the fund industry uses to better manage information. Michael S. Hunter (BS ’98, MS University of Virginia ’11; Mendy Sechrist [BA ’97]; Laurel, Md.) is vice president of consulting with Cope Health Solutions.
99 Vernon G. Dickson (BA ’99, PhD Arizona State University ’07; Danielle Schaugaard [BS ’97]; Davie, Fla.) published Emulation on the Shakespearean Stage and has been promoted to associate professor of English at Florida International University.
00 Caroline Fairbanks-Critchfield (BA ’00; Carl; Palm Bay, Fla.) coauthored the book Just For You: Selfish Sewing with Your Favorite SewCanShe Bloggers. Fairbanks-Critchfield is the writer of the popular how-to blog SewCanShe. Joyce Webb Kohler (’00; Dale; Midway, Utah) received the 2014 Utah State Poetry Society Publication Award at the Spring Awards Festival for like water, like bread, a collection of her poems. Kohler, a retired BYU professor, has had her work published in the Ensign, Panorama, Encore, and Utah Sings, Volume VIII.

Jason Hatch
01 Reid J. Robison (BS ’01, MBA University of Utah ’05, MD University of Utah ’05; Lisa Gardner [BS ’00]; Provo) is the CEO and cofounder of Tute Genomics, which produces genetic analysis needed for precision medicine. Robison is a board-certified psychiatrist with fellowship training in both neurodevelopmental genetics and bioinformatics. Ryan T. Hamilton (AAS BYU–Idaho ’98, BA ’01; New York) was named one of Rolling Stone’s Five Comics to Watch and has appeared on Conan, Last Comic Standing, Comedy Central, and Showtime.

Fidel Montero
02 Javier A. Clavere (BA ’02; Lindsay Gray [’99] Berea, Ky.), an award-winning pianist and musical scholar, presented three webcast recitals in September, which included the complete keyboard sonatas by Mozart. Since 1996, he has frequently performed piano performances with his wife, Lindsay, across North and South America. Stephanie Borup Ford (BA ’02; Larry C. Jr. [BS ’00]; Provo) is a graphic designer at Paper Bandit Press, a company that specializes in letterpress products. Jason C. Hatch (BA ’02, MD University of Colorado, Denver ’06; Katrina Rehme [BFA ’00]; Liberty, Mo.) finished a fellowship at the Mid America Heart Institute and is an interventional cardiologist with the Banner Health CardioVascular Institute of North Colorado. Fidel A. Montero (BS ’02, MEd ’06, MEd Columbia University ’09; EdD Columbia University ’12; Nancy Mataoa [BS ’01]; Provo) was named chief of staff by Utah Valley University president Matthew S. Holland (BA ’91). Shaun D. Olsen (BS ’02, MAcc ’02; Rachel; Pleasant Grove, Utah) was named partner at Hawkins Cloward & Simister. He was president of the Utah Valley Estate Planning Council and is a member of the Utah County Estate Planning Roundtable. Jeremy L. Robinson (BS University of Utah ’01, MAcc ’02; Heather; Rocklin, Calif.) was promoted to executive director at Ernst & Young’s assurance practice in Sacramento; he serves clients in the health care industry and is a member of the American Institute of CPAs.
03 Jonathan H. Baird (BA ’03; Suzette; Alpine, Utah) is the owner of Drones Etc., a business that won the national Shopify Build-A-Business competition. John D. Cheney (BA ’03, MFA Chapman University ’07; Provo) published City of Spies, a thriller set in Berlin during the last days of the Cold War. Andrew J. Maas (BS ’03, MSE University of Texas, Austin ’04; JD University of Akron ’12, LLM University of Akron ’12; Lindsey Taylor [BS ’03]; Baton Rouge, La.) has joined Louisiana State University as the assistant vice chancellor of research over technology transfer and serves as the director of the office of intellectual property, commercialization, and development. Todd W. Smith (BA ’03; Amy Ferguson [BA ’06]; Edmond, Okla.) was promoted from vice president of marketing to chief marketing officer at Sonic.
04 Luke V. Erickson (BS ’04, MS Utah State University ’06; Rachel Wittwer [’06]; Rexburg, Idaho) published his first full-length novel, The Legacy of Abinadi. Michelle Hutchings Packard (BS ’04; Bryce; Santaquin, Utah) coauthored her second book, Stressed Out! For Parents: How to Be Calm, Confident, and Focused, which offers parenting tips and tricks.
06 Jeffrey Q. Jardine (BS ’06, MAcc ’07; Cady Waldrom [BA ’04, MA ’07]; Falls Church, Va.) received the Young Professional of the Year Award from the Institute of Management Accountants.
07 Jeffrey M. Boyd (BS ’07, MS Arizona State University ’14; Michelle McClellan [BS ’05]; Mesa, Ariz.) was one of 23 rotation engineers selected for Intel’s technical training and development track.
08 Megan Brown Hutchins (BA ’08; John T. [BS ’08]; Salt Lake City) published her first book, Drift, a young adult fantasy novel that was chosen as a Junior Library Guild selection. Steven M. Hyer (BS ’08, MSW ’10; Lisa; Mountain Home, Idaho) was awarded a U.S. Air Force fellowship to earn a doctorate degree in social work. He will attend Indiana University. Aric P. Johnstone (BS ’08; San Jose, Calif.), a manager of Ernst & Young’s San Jose office, participated in the firm’s collaborative effort with the Earthwatch Institute Ambassador program. Johnstone engaged in environmental field research and contributed his professional skills to local entrepreneurs.
11 Ryan H. Smith (BA ’11; Mandy; Houston) is the media and advertising coordinator for Major League Baseball’s Houston Astros.