Tons of Food - Y Magazine
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Tons of Food

In its annual food-drive competition with the University of Utah, the BYU Alumni Association gathered enough food to equal the weight of the entire Cougar football team. The University of Utah, however, won the contest this year, edging out BYU in the amount of food collected.

BYU contributed nearly 24,000 pounds (about 12 tons) to the Timpanogos Food Bank through United Way of Utah County. In addition, on the day of the BYU v. Utah football game, fans gave $3,423.

“This was especially helpful,” says Janae S. Wirig, ’02, of Henderson, Nev., “because each dollar buys 17 pounds of food.” Wirig chaired the competition through the Student Alumni Network.

Wirig marshaled the efforts of 50 campus clubs to help in the drive. On game day 80 more volunteers showed up to help collect food and money.

“I am so impressed by the involvement of the whole university,” Wirig says. “There were mountains of food in bins everywhere on campus. Many people volunteered eagerly.”