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Looking Back

125 years ago: The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issues a Church-wide statement commending the work of the Church schools, including Brigham Young Academy.

4744100 years ago: The class of 1912 funds the construction of a white gateway built of oolitic limestone at the southwest entrance of Lower Campus.

474575 years ago: President Franklin S. Harris (BS 1907) presents plans to build the first residence hall on campus—Allen Hall.

50 years ago: In March 1962 LaVell Edwards (EdD ’78) joins the football coaching staff at Brigham Young University.

25 years ago: Former U.S. president Gerald Ford speaks in the Wilkinson Center Ballroom.

10 years ago: Brigham Young University elects its first black student body president, Robert J. Foster (BS ’03).4746

5 years ago: Der Ostwind, a short film featuring a live-action WWI fighter pilot maneuvering through computer-animated dogfights, is BYU’s first student film shown at the Sundance Film Festival.

By J. Gordon Daines III (BA ’97), University Archivist

Read more about BYU’s history on the University Archives blog at lib.byu.edu/sites/byuhistory.