Looking Back - Y Magazine
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Looking Back

BY Academy
JFS Family Living Center

125 years ago: The Church of Jesus Christ officially begins providing financial assistance to Brigham Young Academy.

100 years ago: BYU applies to become the official Church university.

75 years ago: Former BYU president George H. Brimhall dies at age 79. He served as president from 1903 to 1921.

50 years ago: The $2.2 million Joseph F. Smith Family Living Center is completed.

BYU jerusalem
2002 Olympics

25 years ago: BYU announces plans to develop an academic complex in Jerusalem.

10 years ago: Free e-mail addresses and access to the Internet are made available to all BYU students through Route Y.

5 years ago: Four days of classes are cancelled during the Salt Lake Winter Olympics, and President Merrill J. Bateman asks faculty to allow students to make up any classes missed while volunteering.