BYU Comic Lightening the Y: BYU's Greatest Quarterback
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Lightening the Y: BYU’s Greatest Quarterback

A 4 panel comic. The first panel shows an employee standing in front of his employer sitting at his desk. He has received a football as a gift and says, “WOWY, A football signed by all of the great BYU quarterbacks.” His boss calmly replies, “Yep, they’re all there.” The next panel shows the man looking closer at the football, and he begins to name the signatures, “Detmer, Young, Beck, McMahom, Hill!” The 3rd panel shows the man pause, frowning, and look confused at the football. The fourth panel shows him again in front of the desk looking up at his employer. It reads, “Ahem… Johnson?” The boss behind his desk has a coy smile and replies, “I was unstoppable in intramurals!”
Aaron Taylor (@bluebloodartist)