How Happy is America?
4 BYU MBA Students teamed with Harris Interactive to design the National Happiness Index—a poll that measured Americans’ overall happiness.
2,513 adults were surveyed; only 35 percent described themselves as “very happy.”
82 percent of people with a college education considered themselves “optimistic about the future”—12 percent more than those with a high school diploma only.
45 percent of respondents described themselves as “very religious.” They came in 10 points higher on the happiness index than Americans as a whole.
29 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds are “very happy” according to the survey, compared to 47 percent of respondents 65 and older.
Lost and Found … and Sold
3 a.m. was the estimated time that the first customers arrived to wait in line for BYU’s annual Lost and Found Sale on Sept. 27, 2008.
$350 was paid for the most expensive item at the sale—a Canon Digital Rebel XT camera.
$0.25 cents was the price for the least expensive item at the sale—a pair of earrings.
27 iPods sold at an average price of $52 each.
$5 was the average price of items sold.