Alumni Educational Tours - Y Magazine
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Alumni Educational Tours


The Alumni Association is offering the following tours through BYU Travel Study. Course credit is available.

Holy Land Scripture Discovery Alumni Tour

dome of the rock

Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock (back) frames the Dome of the Chain

Apr. 27–May 15: Israel and Egypt
May 1–15: Israel only

Relive the events that brought forth the inspired teachings of the Bible as you walk in the footsteps of the Savior and the prophets with an experienced faculty director. This program includes all of the sightseeing and learning experiences of the Holy Land. An additional opportunity will allow you to travel and study in Egypt, where you will experience some of the same wonders of the ancient world that Abraham, Joseph, and Moses saw. Director: Joel G. Judd.

Alumni Journey to the Times of the Book of Mormon
June 6–20: Mexico, Belize, Honduras, and Guatemala

Explore the remarkable evidence left behind by the inhabitants of this fascinating area of the world. Contemplate possible correlations with the Book of Mormon as you walk between towering pyramids, see delicate architecture, and enjoy a boat ride on the New River to ancient Lamanai. Director: James D. Matthews.

Alumni Church History Tour
July 9–14: Rochester, New York, to Omaha, Nebraska

Church history will come to life as you attend the Hill Cumorah Pageant and visit the Joseph Smith home, the Sacred Grove, the E. B. Grandin Press, and other sites in the Palmyra area. Continue on and enjoy Niagra Falls, New York; Kirtland, Ohio; Nauvoo and Carthage, Illinois; and Independence, Missouri.

INFO: For information on other Alumni Association tours and travel opportunities, including booster tours and cruises, contact Alumni Activities at 1-877-827-2216 or