Looking Back - Y Magazine
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Looking Back

James Talmage125 years ago: BYU creates its first science lab to accommodate widespread student interest in science classes.

100 years ago: The university establishes its first student government organization. Over ensuing years, BYU student government would take on many names, including BYU Student Council, the Associated Students of BYU, and, today, the BYU Student Service Association.

Transportation 75 Years Ago75 years ago: The university acquires its first motor vehicle—a Ford school bus. It is used to transport students to athletic events and to carry students, mail, and supplies to Aspen Grove. Today, BYU operates a fleet of more than 600 vehicles to accomplish university business.

50 years ago: Students throw almost 30 dances, including the “Hello Week” dance, “Mistletoe Frolic,” and 10 victory dances. Student officers also implement a stag program: if the dance isn’t entirely stag, one of the dance halls is reserved for single students.

BYU Singers 25 Years Ago25 years ago: BYU Singers – a small, select student choir – is organized. It will entertain audiences around the globe during its worldwide tours.

10 years ago: The university reduces the number of credit hours required for graduation from 128 to 120 to help students finish faster and thus allow more students to attend BYU.

5 years ago: Construction is completed on a 106,000-square-foot practice facility and the Student Athlete Building, which features athletics offices, a strength-and-conditioning center, training facilities, a BYU sports museum, and a restaurant.