Tuition Increases Set - Y Magazine
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Tuition Increases Set

BYU will raise tuition 4 percent ($50) in 1997­98, increasing the undergraduate rate to $1,315 per semester. Approved by the board of trustees, the increase goes into effect September 1997.

“The board is always concerned about cost containment,” said Brad Farnsworth, administrative vice president, “and it approves only the most necessary increases.”

Tuition increased 3.3 percent in 1996­97 and 4.7 percent in 1995­96.

Also, BYU will raise spring and summer tuition for the first time in three years. The 5 percent increase will bring the rate to $420. In 1994­95, BYU cut undergraduates’ spring and summer tuition by 27 percent and set it at $400 per term to encourage enrollment.

Graduate student tuition will be $1,550 per semester in 1997­98 and $775 during spring and summer terms. Law school and graduate school of management students will pay $2,475 per semester.