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Looking Back

125 years ago: To meet a high demand for Latter-day Saint educators in Mormon communities, Brigham Young Academy expands its teacher-training program.

100 years ago: George H. Brimhall offers Eugene L. Roberts (AB 1916) a position as athletic coach and chairman of the Department ofPhysical EducBasketball team BYAation. Among other contributions, Roberts (standing at left) would bring football back to campus, coach two world-class high jumpers, introduce social dance instruction at BYU, and begin the tradition of calling BYU athletes Cougars.

Brimhall building75 years ago: Two stories are added to a campus WWI-era structure, which is rededicated as the George H. Brimhall Building. Prior to the additions, the building had been used for vocational training in such subjects as woodworking, blacksmithing, and auto mechanics.

50 years ago: The first New Student Orientation is held, featuring a week of events designed to familiarize incoming freshmen with the university and help them adjust socially to college life.

25 years ago: Elton John and Chicago perform before capacity crowds in concerts at the Marriott Center.

Dude10 years ago: General Motors invites BYU industrial design students to provide redesign ideas for the Hummer. The company later incorporates elements of students’ designs.

5 years ago: The United States Senate confirms BYU legal counsel Thomas B. Griffith (BA ’78) to the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.