* Most popular ice cream flavor: Vanilla.
* Daily ice cream consumption: 75 to 90 gallons of dipping ice cream.
* Gallons consumed during a BYU football game: 180.
* President Merrill J. Bateman’s favorite ice cream flavor: “Merrill’s Berry”—otherwise known as Raspberry Almond Fudge.
* Flavors created for special occasions: Witches Delight (Halloween), Pumpkin Pie (Thanksgiving), Egg Nog (Christmas).
* Famous people flavors: Brigham’s Beehive Crunch (Brigham Young), Ernestly Chocolate (Ernest Wilkinson at the Wilkinson Center rededication), LaVell’s Vanilla (LaVell Edwards).
* Flavor Most Feared: Fire and Ice (cinnamon apple with Tabasco sauce).
* One reason BYU ice cream tastes so creamy and delicious: Production managers Tim and Jerry stir in 2 to 4 percent more butterfat than other brands.
* Cosmo’s campaign for a new flavor: Cosmo says he does not yet have a favorite flavor. If there were a flavor named after him, that would be his favorite. Anyone for “Cosmo’s Caramel Crunch”?
In the early days of the BYU Creamery (about 1950), ice cream was sold in quart cartons for about 19 cents. Today a scoop sells for $1.39 and a half-gallon carton of vanilla sells for $2.99.