Looking Back - Y Magazine
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Looking Back

125 years ago:

Benjamin Cluff Jr. is appointed as an assistant principal at Brigham Young Academy and acts on behalf of Karl G. Maeser, who is busy with duties as general superintendent of Church schools.

100 years ago:

With the university’s strong focus on education, 12 of 33 bachelor’s degrees BYU grants are in education.

75 years ago:

The Division of Religion splits from the College of Education, and students are now required to take a two-credit religion course each semester to graduate.

50 years ago:

Signs with two new mottoes—The World Is Our Campus and Enter to Learn; Go Forth to Serve—are erected west of campus.

25 years ago:

The BYU-produced film A More Perfect Union: America Becomes a Nation, called “a production of exceptional merit” by the Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, premieres on PBS stations.

10 years ago:

Dave Rose, a member of the men’s basketball coaching staff since 1997, is named head coach.

5 years ago:

The 100,000-square-foot BYU Broadcasting Building is completed and brings the university’s radio and television stations under one roof.

Read more about BYU’s history on the University Archives blog.